Application process
申请流程及送检须知 |

Please choose the corresponding application form according to you must test the project, and complete product information, clearly fill out.
Warm prompt:
1. The electronic file application form can be in our website "" customer service center to download download application form or directly to our company business or the personnel of the service request;
2. If hand written application form must be clear, digital "0" and the English letter "O", number "2" and English letters might misinterpret please say clear;
3. If involved in English letters please fill in in capital way;

Please send the application form together with enough sample delivery or sent to our company (shenzhen baoan district shajing xinqiao lotus seed industrial park industrial park hills, three on the second floor), please be sure to provide enough samples, according to the requirements of application form to ensure that the required for testing, sample quantity and considering the demands of each test point, please.
Warm prompt:
1. According to project required in the application form, please provide enough samples, if you are about the sample amount to start is not clear, can be directly business with our company or customer service personnel;
2. When deliver proper packaging according to the status of the sample, in order to avoid the sample such as pollution, confusion or leakage phenomenon;
3. If the sample delivery to our company, the Courier form, please leave your contact information and our business or the personnel of the service's name and contact information.

After we receive your samples and application form, will show you the quotation, in 0.5 working days and fax or email you, if you have any problem, we will contact you in time to solve. In order to avoid delay the progress of the sample tests, please after received our quotation, arrange to confirm and payment as soon as possible and fax or email the remittance voucher.
Warm prompt:
1. If, after sending you the samples are not yet received our offer, please contact contact us. Tel: + 86-755-27248885;
2. If you are in the fax payment vouchers, please indicate your contact information, so that we can identify the payment information;
3. If in the name of the individual payment, please indicate the name of the company paid.

After we received your quotation and payment of confirmed, began to arrange test
Warm prompt:
If must query sample test schedule, please contact contact us in the customer service personnel mentioned in the list.

We will in accordance with the agreement on the application form for your information and request issue the test report, after we confirm your payment to the account, will according to your request to send the original report and invoice for you.
Address:Second floor, building 3, GangZi Industrial Park, Furong Industrial Zone, Shajing Xinqiao, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
Telephone:0755-27248885 Fax:0755-27460090
Copyright © 2011 Shenzhen huilifeng Testing Technology Co., Ltd All rights reserved. Yue ICP Bei No. 11024703-1